For a moment they stood still in the cold of the night, the river murmuring behind them.
“The house is gone,” Bonnie muttered. “I hope it took a lot of them with it. Now, godling, get us outta here.”
“Where?” Jamey asked.
“Charley’s apartment will be watched. Not London or Coverack or any of the other places between; that’s what they’ll expect, no matter how much power there is in England and Wales. We need to stay here. Maybe some place at VCU, and I can get coven help there,” Dr. M said hurriedly as she kept looking around them. “Now, before the police and the fire department show up, which will be any minute.” She looked back at the bright glow of the fire. “I can’t even give Charley’s family a body to bury now…” she said and paused. “My cell phone—the one I gave you guys the number for, I left it in the house. Damn,” she said, sighing.
“The Council can get you another one, let’s go,” Bonnie snapped.
“But even that takes forever and it won’t be the same number—?