Chapter 9

“Why do you blush whenever someone pays you a compliment?” Rowan brushed Chase’s hair out of his eyes.

Because I’ve learned not to trust them. “It’s the damned English skin, if I feel the tiniest bit embarrassed I turn pink like a girl.” Chase hung his head to hide his face.

“Don’t hide from me. I want to see what’s going on behind those beautiful green eyes.” Rowan touched the back of Chase’s neck and brought him in for a light kiss. 4

At about three, Rowan looked up. “It looks like those showers we were promised tomorrow decided to make an early start.” They quickly packed up, making two trips to the car, and then took the umbrella back to the beach rental booth just off the boards.

They made it to the car just as the downpour began. It was one of those quick thunderstorms that came and went within a half hour. By the time they reached Chase’s door, it was over.