“John loved my pot roast. He has a house in Ocean Township in the Wayside area. He didn’t want to sell it after his wife passed because he wanted a place for the grandchildren to come. But he’s thinking about selling it now because most of the time he goes to his son’s house rather than the reverse. He wants a condo like mine. Something that has the room he needs but where he doesn’t have to do all the maintenance. He wants to keep seeing me after the driving lessons are over. John said he hasn’t met a woman he liked so much in a long time.” That was a long speech for his mother. Chase mulled that over in his mind.
“That’s really nice, Mom.”
“He wants to meet you.”
Chase almost spit out his coffee. “Isn’t it a little soon for that?”
“How much time do you think I have? If I let the grass grow under my feet, I might wait until it’s growing over my head.” Chase had to stifle a chuckle. Meeting John Schwartz got promoted on his to do list.