Chapter 18

Rowan got up off his knee and pulled Chase up with him and into his arms kissing him with passion. The rest of the dining room broke out in applause.

Chase was still crying when they sat down. “What’s wrong, baby?” Rowan grabbed his hand.

“I’m so happy. I can’t stop crying.” Chase hiccupped on a sob.

“I have one for me, too. Do you want to put it on?” Rowan held out a second box.

Chase took the box from Rowan’s palm. His hands were shaking. He opened the box, took out the ring, and slipped it on Rowan’s finger. They matched.

“Now we have to get together with your mother, we have a wedding to plan.” 7

Sunday dawned with Chase in Rowan’s arms. They’d spent most of the previous day planning their lives. They went downstairs to have some coffee and after the first cup were ready to talk to one another. “If it’s okay, we’ll sell your house and move together here, or we could buy something new together?” Rowan asked.