Our connection restored, both literal and figurative, Kit’s screen came back before he even opened his eyes. “Morning.” It was three hours later, three in the afternoon, and his droopy eyelids, sexy yawns and lip smacking, not to mention the sleep boner, made me wish even more I was right there beside him.
I joined him in the shower—outside the curtain—but the outline of his body left little to the imagination. Unfortunately, I was getting damned sick and tired of imagination only.
I watched him quickly dress, and even got to kiss him goodbye, my mouth up close to my camera, his coming back at me with a Mwah! It felt a lot sweeter than it looked. When we repeated the gesture with kisses blown from our fingertips out on the balcony, the warm afternoon June breeze brought his right to my lips. I’d have sworn I actually felt it.
“I’m falling for him, Nutt Butt,” I told her. “Then again, you already knew that, playing Cupid with that rose and all, huh?”
* * * *