“One of these days we’re going to have to sit down and have a serious talk about you and why this world loves to kick you around. It couldn’t be your fabulous personality.”
“Look, I appreciate what you’re trying to do, but it wouldn’t work. Hell, man, I don’t have a job, or even enough money to buy a freakin’ hotdog. And the hospital…you think I’ve got the money to pay for the ambulance ride, and all they did for me? Take my word for it, Preacher…”
“Yeah, Preacher. I mean you’re standing here telling me all about the devil and God, so that’s your name from now on. Get used to it.”
“You are one weird dude.”
“So I’m weird. All I know is, I’ve got to get my hands on some money. You don’t happen to know where there’s a job available, do you?”
A job. Of course, Nathan thought, being reminded that he and his roommate had been planning to hire someone to clean out their chimney anyway, so why not hire the kid here? Finally, he said, “Have you ever been a chimney sweep?”