Chapter 3

“Well, whatever you decide to do,” Bonnie said, “I have a feeling you’ll be damn good at it. The new millennium is just around the corner, right? It’s a great time to start something.” She tipped her head, giving me an appraising look. “You got something, Nick. I mean that. In my line of work, I see a lot of people, and I’m telling you…You got something. Hope you cash in on that soon.”

Her words touched me, and for a second, I wondered why I was running from this woman so fast. It seemed that was all I’d done in the last nine years. Run.

I guessed I just didn’t want to be anchored anywhere. There was a life out there for me, I could feelit. Something waiting. A change. A chance. A whole new existence. Eleven years ago, I’d set my course for uncharted territory, and now, that territory had narrowed down to a cage.

“Thanks,” I said, simply. “I’ll do my best to catch that wave.”

“Good luck, Nicolas.”

“Nicolai.” I winked.