Chapter 5

“Well, then, a toast.” Stephanie raised her glass. “To our favorite bartender. A man as classy as he is bad ass.” She chuckled and took a good swill of her drink. “We’re gonna miss you, Tarzan.”

“I’ll miss you guys, too.” I smiled and took a sip. Yikes. Way too much sugar and soda. “But you can’t fix a mojito to save your life.”

We chatted about guests and the latest staff gossip while the radio played a great set of bachata songs in the background, the sound of the bongos and maracas pumping me up. I poured myself a shot a rum instead of having the mojito. That would be it for me tonight. I didn’t drink on the job. I’d learned my lesson a long time ago.

“So what are you gonna do now?” Lorna asked, turning more serious. “Cruise or…?”

“No, actually, I’m gonna go see about a friend in Vancouver.” I cleared my throat and drained my shot. “He’s been sick and I haven’t heard from him in a while.”

Stephanie tipped her head, watching me with bright blue eyes. “What’s wrong with him?”