Chapter 8

“Because, usually, he’d mention your name every so often, and every time he would, his whole face would be transformed by love.” Larry paused and eyed me, a sad smile forming on his lips. “But the last time I saw him, he wouldn’t speak your name. Even when I asked if he’d heard from you.” He made a motion as though zipping up his mouth. “Nothing. Not a Nicolaiout of his mouth. Nor a Nick. Or a Nico for that matter.”

“Not even a bastard? Or a jerk?”

Larry held back a smile and patted the program with his free hand. “I have a feeling you’ll hear from him soon. He always knew when you’d strolled back into town. It was like he could feel you in the air.”

“I’ll take care of him,” I blurted out, everything in me contained in that sentence.

Larry turned serious, almost grim, and nodded again.

“I will.” I gave him a defiant look. “This time, I won’t let him down.”