Chapter 12

Silent, he held my stare with dark gleaming eyes.

I thought of the last ten years, of the fear that had always pushed me to run from him. To hide from his devotion. To escape his admiration. I’d been so afraid to lose myself in him, in his magnificent hunger for me. Afraid of not being enough. Of coming up short of his great expectations.

Still quiet, almost resolved, David stared at me.

I had nothing left to say in my defence, but this. “I love you,” I confessed, admitted, conceded, and offered for the first time. “I’ve always loved you. You’re the only one I’ve ever loved.” I broke down again. “You’re the only one I’ll ever fucking love.”

Tears were filling his eyes, too. “No,” he said weakly, “you’ll love again.”

I shook my head. Grabbed his hand. “No. Never again.”

He closed his eyes, his cheeks flushing darker. He was obviously exhausted, my reckless outburst using up his precious strength. “It’s who you are,” he added, opening his eyes.