Chapter 15

“You got a good face, you know that? Real honest eyes. You healthy? Keeping healthy, I mean?”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

She smiled. “Are you his lover? You don’t seem gay.”

“I’m gay enough.” I cleared my throat. “He’s more than a lover to me.”

“Look, Nick…I’ve been around this thing since eighty-three. I was a kid, fresh out of nursing school, when the epidemic hit Vancouver hard. I’ve seen…Well, sometimes I feel like a soldier, you know? Can’t really tell folks what I’ve seen. I keep those memories to myself, out of respect for those boys.”

I hung on her every word, forgetting my grief for a moment.

“They should have had a cure by now. They really should have.” She sighed out. “Anyway, he’s going, that’s what I wanna tell you. I know you’re strong enough to hear it. That’s why you’re here. That’s why they’ve all stopped coming. Davie’s special, I can see that.” She looked around the living room. “A real artist, huh? His friend Larry told me David was a ballet dancer?”