Chapter 20

“Look at what?” I clutched his hand. “David, look at what? David?” I pressed my hand to his heart. It beat weakly. He wasn’t breathing.

Then he jolted and inhaled air like it was water, his chest collapsing, and frozen, I stared at his hand in my hand. Waited. Watched his face. His eyes were closed. There was no movement coming from him. But it wasn’t the stillness of his body that told me he was gone. It was the stillness behind his eyes. The stillness under his skin. The stillness of his lips. “Oh, God,” I cried, pushing my finger to his mouth. “Give me one last wild grin, Davie. Please.” I pressed his hand. “Please, Davie. Please.” I pushed my face into his stomach and pulled his arm over my head. I gripped his chest, listening to the silence there inside him, in the place where I used to live.

And the grief, like a giant tentacled beast, sucked me down into her cruel blue abyss. 10