Chapter 23

I was finally where I needed to be at in my life. And now this? A kid? How could I possibly make it work?

“I’m too busy,” I said, moving my arm away and staring at my only real friend. “I can barely take care of you, right?”

But the truth was, it wasn’t only that I was too busy to be any kind of a father, I was too lonely. Too beat-up inside. I hadn’t dated anyone in five years. Hadn’t even had any real meaningful sex with anyone, aside from a few one night stands I’d always regret the next morning. I couldn’t even remember what it felt like to genuinely care about someone enough to have a thought for them during the day. My mind was always on work. My heart was a vast plain of nothingness. I didn’t even know where my soul had gone.

How could I be anyone’s father in the barren emotional state I was in?

Esco barked, and startled, I tugged on his collar. “Hey, what’d I say about that?”