Chapter 25

All right, Derek was beautiful. Granted. But beauty had never had me shaking like this. No, it wasn’t his looks that were putting me under a spell, it was his voice, the gentleness in his face, his sweet, honest smile. We’d only talked for a minute, but I knewthis man. I’d watched over him years ago. I’d held his head on my lap once, after he’d beat himself up out of frustration and despair. It was all coming back to me now in waves and waves of memories. Memories I’d suppressed. I’d been in his lonely apartment next door to ours and had had dinner with him and his wonderful Aunt Fran. I’d danced with this kid. Had told about him my dreams. I’d wiped his tears and comforted him. He knew who I was. Not this fabricated version of myself, but the man before…Davie had died. The two of them were linked, in some strange way.

More reason not to go back into that dining room and ask for his number. Especially now that I was facing the biggest challenge of my life. Fatherhood.