Chapter 31

Breathless and choking on my tears, I had to stop. Esco looked up at me with sad eyes. “Davie was a dancer,” I said, wiping my face with the back of my sleeve. “Did you know that?” I crouched down and rubbed Esco’s ears and petted his solid back. “He was my best friend. He was excellent.” I broke down again, hugging Esco tight. “And he died. But I’m here.” I sniffled, looking around the port, the docked ships, resolution drying up my eyes. “I’m here.”

Yet, minutes later, after I’d let the dog into the apartment, seeing that Derek still slept, I fled downstairs, finding refuge in my kitchen and work. I knew Derek would wake and wonder why I’d left him alone again, and soon, I’d have to tell him I wasn’t the man he thought I was. Would he still want me as I was today, and not as he remembered me? 15