My face flushed hot, as fear flooded my reason. For a few seconds, I didn’t move, listening for any voices or sounds, my heart racing. Oh, God, was that Veronica in our home? Or maybe Samantha? I couldn’t hear anything, so heart in mouth, I stepped into the hallway, coughing, announcing my presence. Taking a few more steps, I finally had the living room in plain view.
Lene was sitting on the couch and Nick was already walking up to me. Right away, I knew something of great importance was happening. Of course he tried to be cool and gave me a hug and patted my shoulder. “Hey, O’Reilly,” he said, in a strained voice. “Lene’s here.”
I looked down at her tear-stained face. “I can see that,” I said, with a forced smile. I sat by her and searched her indigo-blue eyes for a clue. “What’s wrong, Lene?” I was suddenly terrified that she was ill. That it was serious. I grabbed hold of her cold small hands. “What is it?” I whispered, my voice losing its strength.