
Chapter 7

He reached for the door knob, only to find the door locked against him. What the hell?

“Bennie!” he shouted, pounding and kicking at the door, but the solid wood wouldn’t budge. Desperate, he cried out again, but there was no answer. Pain stabbed his head as the clang of the music box resonated through him, and he slid to the floor, back to the door, and put his head in his hands as pain washed through him with the pounding of his heart. 5

Bennie danced naked in the colored sunlight from the octagonal window. This body was incredible! Lithe and strong. He ran his hands down his lean chest, pinched his nipples and shivered deliciously at the nip of pain and pleasure. At first he’d thought of leaving this one for the other. Jordan, was it? The more dominant male. But this one suited him, Bennie’s carnal appetites far stronger.