“So, I picked one for myself.” Her block of wood and the little knife in one hand, she reached out with the other to shake. “I like pansies.”
“Me, too.” I obliged, taking her tiny hand in mine. “Just thinking of them makes me smile.”
Pansy’s smile made me smile even more.
“I am Liu. L-i-u.” She stood over me, now. Just barely.
“Liu the werewolf. W-e-r-e-w-o-l-f.” I offered her a hello in Mandarin.
“It is a game.” Liu wasn’t impressed and didn’t find me as charming as Pansy did. No smile came from her. “Not to tease new arrivals, but rather as a way to offer clues.”
“Harriet…Now I get it. That is kind of funny.”
“You figured out the witch names, didn’t you?” She remained quite stoic.
“I…I guess.” Sitting while the others stood suddenly felt rude. Unfortunately, standing was still a struggle.