
Chapter 45

“You don’t have to hide your knob behind that chair, Big A.” CJ had made the connection, too. “It’s not like we can see it.”


He hung his head at my admonishment.

“I do not wish to make anyone uncomfortable,” Artemis said.

“You’re not,” I assured him.

“None of us are real.”

We all looked toward Liu, even Artemis, I would have gambled, as the pronouncement seemed to come out of left field.

“It’s true,” she said. “Our bodies are back where we left them, so why are we stuck in them here?”

“You don’t like your body?” Pansy asked.

“No.” Liu answered without hesitation. “I don’t. I wouldn’t mind being invisible. No offense, Artemis, but I think I might have preferred living my whole life that way. The one before this and this one.”

“May I ask why?” Artemis had a gentle tone.