“Mom and Tabor have Halloween pictures of us the nanny took.”
“Of you and an empty costume. Close up, they would see no face behind the mask.”
“But I knew you were there, Griffin…Artemis.”
“The years I was stuck at that museum, I learned many languages.” He nudged me. “Tourists, you see. And perhaps there was also some magick in me becoming the California tot with the Disney cartoon costume and good American speaking.”
“Magick and love, a combination stronger than any triad.”
“Perhaps.” The smile was still there. “I came yearly, as you know, first with Bampas, and then…Once my grandmother discovered I had come back to life for you, that is when she took him from me. Once my father became an angel, and I was left to exist in the realm you arrived in just recently, I came alone. Like you, I did not play by all the rules set for us in our world. I would have broken them to come more often, were I able.”