Chapter 21

“There she is,” Phoenix whispered as he looked in a window. “That’s Gracie.” He frowned. “What the hell is she doing?”

“Looks like she’s—” Adam’s words suddenly stopped when he saw a collection of magic doodads that looked like the ones in old Hecate’s hovel. “I can’t believe it. How well did you know Gracie? Was she a practicing witch?”

“Not that I know of.”

“C’mon, let’s knock on the door.”

“You think we should? I mean, maybe she’s busy, or something.”

“Phoenix, there may be something going on here. Did it ever occur to you that she might be in trouble? It seems to me like that ad she put in the paper was meant to draw us out.”

“Just because it mentioned fallen angels? Hell, Adam, she’s just an old woman trying to make a living in this fuckin’ world like everyone else.”