Chapter 27

“You’re doing it again, Adam. Please. Stop looking for things that aren’t there.”

“Phoenix, you’re not the only one who has missed our time together. That’s why I must be sure. Damn, Phoenix, I don’t sleep with fuckin’ monsters!”

“Adam, I don’t know what the hell you saw, or what you think you saw, but I’m not a fuckin’ monster, and I have no desire to kill you.”

“I know what I saw, and I know it means something.”

“Well, I don’t remember any of it.”

Adam’s face crumpled in pain. “God, Phoenix, I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I know you’re not a monster, but hell, I can’t seem to let go of this.”

“You remember the night we slept together for the first time? It was the night we both discovered who I really was.”

“Yeah? So?”

“You fuckin’ invited me to kill you for God’s sake. Damn, when I saw you standing there so tall and brave, just daring me to kill you, I think that must have been the night I fell in love with you.”