Chapter 29

“Darkness beyond twilight, crimson beyond blood,

“Harken unto my voice before my flesh turns to mud.

“I plead for the angels to conquer all the foes that stand,

“So please bestow your heavenly gift into my unworthy hand.

“Let all be turned to fools that raise their voice to me in anger,

“For I pledge my love and bow before the Child in the manger.


In silence she brought the pebble to her mouth and blew upon it, and then dropped the pebble into the water. Many ripples radiated from where the stone dropped, but there was one that broke from the others and made a small whirlpool. She leaned forward, looking at the ripple closely. She concentrated on it the whole time it was there, and then when it seemed to slowly go away, she moved away and turned back to Adam.

“Adam, is this ghost someone familiar to you?”

“Only as far as his past is concerned. It’s not someone we know.”