Chapter 31

“Who the hell is Phoenix?” he said.

“In your pocket!”

Phoenix looked down at his ragged jeans, began digging in his pocket, and brought the amulet out. The moment he saw it, his memory returned. He looked over at Adam, and then at the ghost.

The demon looked at it. “What is that?”

Phoenix smiled mischievously. He couldn’t help wondering what would happen if he gave the demon the Eye of God. “You want to see it?”

“Don’t try anything funny,” the demon said.

“Sure. Okay,” Phoenix said and reached out as if he were going to toss it to him, but quick as lightning, he leaned his arm backward for a wide swing, and then brought it forward and threw the amulet, striking the ghost right between the eyes. Suddenly there was a wild cry echoing through the night, a poof of smoke, and the stink of brimstone where the ghost had been standing.