But no. Her babies were still her babies in her heart, but they were all now grown up. Quite grown up. Had she been in a more whimsical than usual mood, she would lead with her astrological assessment that each one had now begun their Saturn transit. They’d made—or were in the process of making—big changes in their lives that were now defining them as the adults they would be for the rest of their lives—or for at least another twenty-nine years. But precisely because they were all adults now, Trixie knew she could not fall back on her old spell casting or works of wonder. She had to just be herself, their mother, while also attending to her own wishes for the night.
“Hello everyone,” she said. She clasped her hands in front of her red robes and dark dress underneath and smiled. “I’ve missed you all so much.”
“Finally,” Ivy said. “I thought you told us to meet you here at six? It’s seven now.”
“You were late,” Hazel said, referring to Ivy. “It was only Rowan who was on time.”