
Chapter 17

“Perhaps it’s time someone else took Nathaniel in hand,” Conor said. Simple words, but Taden felt warmth flood his body, and his face grew hot under Conor’s interested stare. Mischief glinted in his handsome eyes, and with a quick movement, Taden was pulled into strong arms, Conor’s full lips capturing his. Against his will, his lips opened to Conor’s probing tongue. Need crashed through him as the man licked his open mouth and sucked on his tongue. His heart protested, longing for it to be Nathaniel’s arms around him and Nathaniel’s sweet lips against his own.

It became a long, dizzy moment before Conor took a step back from his trembling body. Taden flushed at his grin, knowing Conor was fully aware of the erection straining against the confines of his clothing. But it was a response for a man who’d fled from him more than once in the past few days. Taden promised himself Nathaniel would never run from him again, once found.