
Chapter 21

Taden enjoyed the day immensely as they alternately ran and walked the horses on the sand, the salty spray of the sea wafting into their faces. They rode abreast when they could. As the afternoon waned, they ate in the saddle, passing bread and cheese and dried fruit between them. Taden noted a strained look in Nathaniel’s eyes as the sun sank lower on the horizon and drew his horse to a walk. “What is it?”

Nathaniel gave him an anxious glance, a raw spot on his pale lips where he’d worried them with his teeth. “We should have found the ship by now.”

“Are you sure?”

Nathaniel drew his horse to a stop, studying the position of the sun and the landscape around them. “It has to be close. I recognize that knoll of trees on the hill to the south.”

“Maybe it washed out to sea,” Taden suggested, watching the waves crash on the beach.

“It would have taken a storm to do that. I beached it well.”