She threw a sulky look toward the redhead, then continued. “They have a whole floor with displays from the cinema, too. Please say we can go, Drew.”
“It is not a good idea,” St John insisted mulishly.
The line of my mouth tightened, and Robin gave a sputter of laughter. “Not a smart thing to say, Singe.” Where my family was concerned, no one outside our close-knit group told me what I could or couldn’t do.
“Would you stop calling me that?” St John snapped at Robin, and my brother grinned at him
“And what would you prefer I call you? Sweetheart?”
“You…you…” St John couldn’t seem to find a response to that. He ground his teeth, and I expected him to throw down his napkin in a fit of pique, but instead he set it down gently.
“What time will you be ready to go, Arianne?” I asked, daring the younger man to challenge me. He had never seen me as anything other than easy-going, and was clearly taken aback.
Arianne bounced in her chair, clapping her hands. “After lunch?”