“My name is Da’ric.”
“You’re not British.” There were a few other doors in the basement, behind which scents told me were things best not examined too closely, and we finally found one that opened into what appeared to be a changing room, lined with metal lockers.
It was like pulling teeth. “Where are you from?”
“I carry American citizenship.”
“That’s an odd way of putting it.” After another moment, it became obvious he wasn’t going to respond to that either. “Very well. Do you intend to tell me how you got yourself into a jam like this?”
He shrugged. “I honestly don’t know. One minute we—” The line of his lips tightened, and it was as if a steel door slammed shut.
“That is, the man who snatched me wanted me out of the country. He sold me to a friend of his who brought me here. You see what I look like. They thought I’d bring in more business.”
“You were kidnapped? Couldn’t you ask for help?”
His look questioned the level of my intelligence.