“How could I possibly say no to such a very suavely-phrased request, Robert?” St John? I’d heard him petulant or snide, but never as angry as he sounded just then. “Of course, it is always so high on my list of priorities to insure you are happy it breaks my heart to refuse you, but I am afraid this time you must be doomed to disappointment.”
My brother burst into laughter. “Talk about over the top, Singe. You’ve been reading too many Regency romances, haven’t you?” Abruptly he didn’t sound quite so amused. “Where are you going?”
“I am going to sleep on the daybed in Alan and Thomas’s room, and if I am eaten by that wolf, it will serve you right, and I will return and haunt you like the very devil.”
The door to the kitchen burst open, and St John came storming out, only to barrel into me. His face flushed and his green eyes widened in horror as he realized we’d heard at least part of his tirade.