* * * *
Robin and St. John were locked in Robin’s bedroom once again, but otherwise Drew and I were alone in the town house.
“Let me see what Mrs. Harris has in the larder. We need to build you up.”
“It shouldn’t take too long.”
“I rather think it will. How long has it been since you’ve had a decent meal?”
I was already feeling much better—thanks to the exceptionally efficient metabolism bequeathed me by my Brachi father—but I thought of Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord and his saying about revenge being a dish best served cold. I would find a few minutes while Drew was in his office working on the books, enabling me to call Malossini and leave a whispered message reminding him he’d be facing me soon.
Within a couple of days, however Drew had to admit I was well enough to leave the house. He’d managed to find a pair of jeans that covered my legs but were too large through the waist and seat and decided we’d have to shop for something better.