I was tempted to nudge his mind, to see what he was really thinking, but I let it go. Once we were done with this Malossini thing, I’d come up with a way to convince him to stay in England. I found a parking spot, and we went looking through the second-hand clothing shops.
Camden Market had the clothes Da’ said we needed, and although it took some time to find a pair of bell-bottomed trousers that fit me well enough, it took even longer to find a pair that might work for Da’. We had to traipse through the entire place twice and then search for a seamstress who promised to add to the length of the legs that would have the trousers fitting him within a couple of hours.
We used that time searching for the coins Da’ wanted, but we couldn’t find them there.
“Right. Portobello Road it is, then.”
We retrieved Da”s bellbottoms, stowed the jackets and trousers in the boot, and I headed the MG to Portobello Road, where we found the ideal antiques stall.