“Don’t put the shirt on yet. Pop always used to keep aloe vera on the Jo. Let me see if he has some on this boat.”
“The Jo?”
“Ah! Success!” He showed me the bottle and led me to another cabin. I was about to question our change of location, but, Our cabin. He continued, “Desejo do Cora??o, Pop’s first boat.” The expression in his eyes became sad. “She was a good boat. Those bastards blew her up that day.”
“Da’.” Things began to fall into place. “The first night we were together, the first night you were in my bed, you spoke in your sleep. It…erm…it sounded like Joe. I thought it was a…a lover’s name.”
He was pouring lotion into his palm, and he paused. His eyebrows rose. “You thought I would call another man’s name while I was with you?” He gestured for me to turn around so he could examine the reddening patches.
I obeyed, embarrassed now by the jealousy I’d felt. “Yes, well…” I cleared my throat. “Sorry.” I decided to change the subject. “What does desejo do cora??omean?”