Chapter 4

They entered the ballroom. Light blazed up, triumphant and dazzling; crystal glittered and whirled. Gowns and waistcoats, muslin and lace, taffeta and silk, jewels and pins, caught and flung back fragments of the world; musicians played a vigorous Scotch reel, and scones and chocolate éclairs and lemon tarts regarded their lateness with indulgence from the refreshment table. Robert resisted the impulse to turn and run. So many eyes. Such expectance.

Anthony unobtrusively set a hand at the small of his back. A touch. A reminder. Robert leaned on the touch as much as he dared, even after it went away, and put on his best charming smile.

He bowed over hands. He smiled at young ladies and pale hopeful young men and beribboned dowagers. James had invited anyone who was anyone; the heart of London would witness the Honorable Mr. Robert Thorne’s public acknowledgement of betrothal to Mr. Dalton Irving tonight.