“To what do I owe this honor?” Connor Llewellyn asked, the sardonic tone in his voice not surprising Gideon in the least. His relationship with his father was iffy at best. Thus, he had left home as soon as possible once he reached his majority to live his own life, out from under his father’s thumb. They kept in contact, but only when necessary, like birthdays and holidays.
“Have you heard from Braden recently?”
“Someone else asked me that, two days ago. I’ll tell you what I told him, I haven’t talked with your brother in over a year.”
Gideon chuckled softly. “That’s what you told him, but was it the truth? Another question, was the ‘someone’ the vampire Vicario?”
His father hesitated as if unwilling to answer. Finally he replied, “It was. I take it he paid you a visit as well.”
“Yep. Not that it gained him anything as I have no clue where Braden’s gone to ground. I allowed Vicario to probe me, so he knows it’s the truth.”