Chapter 6

“Are you going to be in town for long?” she asked Gideon.

“Honestly, I haven’t a clue. That’s up to my brother and what he’d got planned.” He left it at that on the off chance she didn’t know about Vicario.

“Trying to avoid Vicario’s finding him for starters,” she replied, smacking Braden’s arm. “You’re courting danger coming here. He paid me a visit a couple of days ago. He was not happy.”

“Fuck,” Braden muttered. “I was hoping he didn’t know about you.”

“Well, you hoped wrong,” Delilah told him. “Don’t worry, I didn’t tell him anything, mainly because I had no clue where you were.” She grinned. “Our ‘discussion’ was held on the front porch since he couldn’t get past our wards and for sure I wasn’t about to invite him inside. That did not make him happy. I had the distinct feeling he wanted to search the house.”

“He did search at my place,” Gideon said. “Without being invited in, which he didn’t need to be because of his age.”