Chapter 8

A moment later, the doors opened and Braden came into view, followed by a man Edan had never seen before. He was on the tall side, close to six-one, he guessed. His hair was shoulder-length; he had a short, dark beard and mustache, and bright blue eyes. Definitely the antithesis of his own short, dark blond hair, clean-shaven face, and green eyes.

“Welcome to my humble abode,” Edan said, pushing off the wall, gesturing to the doorway to his condo.

“Don’t let him fool you,” Braden said to his companion. “There’s nothing humble about it. Edan, this is my half-brother, Gideon.”

“A pleasure, I’m sure,” Edan replied as he led the way into the living room. “Have a seat. Would you like a drink? You don’t look at all like him, Gideon. Take after your mother?”