“I said I might not, not that I wouldn’t. I’m no tyro when it comes to the sort of magic he’d use,” she replied.
“She’s the all-powerful Wizardess of Oz,” Braden teased.
“There’s no such thing,” she retorted with a laugh.
“Wizardesses or Oz?”
“You know better,” he said. “Most people call you a witch, because you are, but wizardess works, too. As for Oz? Who knows?”
“L. Frank Baum?” Gideon grinned. “Too late to ask if he really went there, though, since he’s dead.”
Braden flipped him off as Delilah pulled into a parking lot close to Edan’s building. The trio got out of the car, Delilah pausing to set wards on it, she said, and they walked to the building. When they were inside, the security guard called Edan to say he had visitors and then told them they were free to go up.
* * * *
Edan greeted them, wearing old jeans and a sweatshirt, when they stepped off the elevator. Feeling feisty, he made it a point to take Delilah’s hand, kissing the back.