Sneaking into the cemetery proved to be no problem. Gideon cloaked them and Edan flew them over the wall. When they landed, Gideon turned slowly, taking in the sharp contrasts between what were obviously ancient and often neglected vaults and the pure lines and gleaming white marble of the newer ones, or at least ones that were well-kept up. Soon, he was wandering down the aisles, pad and pencil in hand, whipping out sketch after sketch of vaults that caught his eye.
One in particular drew his attention, not for its beauty—it was rather ordinary as a matter of fact—but because people had drawn sets of three X’s on it. “Why?” he asked Edan. “Do you know?”
“It’s the voodoo priestess Marie Laveau’s tomb, or so they say, and the belief is, if you follow the X-marking ritual she will grant your wish.”
“Does she appear to them?” Gideon asked with a smirk.