Chapter 44

“Uh-huh. He’s looking at the house. Maybe he’s a robber?” Danny looked scared and intrigued at the same time.

Gideon snorted. “If he is, he’s out of luck. I don’t have anything worth taking.”

“Do, too. Your paintings,” Danny protested.

“I suppose. You wait here while I check him out.”

“What if he has a gun?”

Patting Danny’s head, Gideon replied, “I think you watch too much TV. Besides, if he did have one, I could take it away.”

“‘Cause you’re half an elf and have magic.” Danny looked at him in something close to awe when he figured that out.

“Yep. So stay here while I see what’s what with him, if he’s still there.”

Gideon thought whoever it had been would probably be long gone, having figured Danny had reported his presence. He was wrong.

“What the hell are you doing here?” he asked, trying to rein in his suddenly whirling emotions when he saw Edan. “How the hell did you find out where I live? And more to the point…” he sputtered.