Chapter 34

“I don’t mean to.” Coach Keller gripped my forearms, maybe so I wouldn’t punch him in the mouth. “Listen, there’s this saying.” He waited until my eyes met his. “There’s the Olympics, and then there is everything else.”

I shook my head.

“It doesn’t mean we don’t care about Cal. It just has to be about making that dream a priority. Don’t youwant to follow this, Reed? To try? If you’d really rather quit, I’ll walk away. See, I’ve wanted it for me my whole life. The more we trained, though, the more I wanted it for you. If you don’t anymore…”

I thought only a moment. “I do. I want it.”

“That kid who beat your time at our first meet…”


“Webber. Yes. I’ve been in touch with his mother. I’m going up there this afternoon to talk to her about bringing him down to Dover. I’d like you to come.”