“I’ll tell him you send happy wishes.”
“Cool. Yeah. Tell him I’ll call him later,” Mathias said.
I knew right then I wouldn’t. Why should two of us be disappointed waiting for something that might never happen?
Mathias’s phone rang. He grabbed it from the bench and clicked on it right away. Someone was worthy of his immediate attention.
* * * *
A little after ten, my mother told my brother he should sign off. Once I had him—once I saw his chubby cheeks and radiant smile, once I heard his voice and the pure love in it he had for me—it was hard to let him go, even after over two hours.
“I’ll see you real soon. This weekend.”
“I hope so. Is Mathias coming?”
“I’m not sure.”
He hadn’t called. Devon definitely would have said if he had.
“Is college fun?” My brother asked that same question at least half a dozen times every time we spoke.
“Parts of it.” It was one of the few lies I had ever told him. I’d already decided I hated it.
“Mama says we’ll mail you a slice of cake.”