“You want to fly home tonight?”
“Oh. I was supposed to…” I cut myself off. Obviously, the plan had fallen through. “Did you hear anything about Mathias?”
“Why would I?” Coach Keller asked shortly.
“I don’t know.”
“After what he pulled, let him suffer any consequences.”
“What consequences? Is he in trouble—like, legal trouble?”
“Not that I know of.”
“Would you? If something bad happened?”
“Nothing bad happened. Yes. I’d know.”
“Will you check?”
“Will you?”
“I’ll text his coach.”
“Thanks. Get back to me if—”
“Why do you care? Come on. You heard that reporter. Webber wanted to steal your thunder.”
“There are less detrimental ways of doing it, don’t you think? We don’t live in a world where athletes coming out boosts their careers. Look at Michael Sam.”
“It all depends on what Webber wants now, doesn’t it?”
“What do you mean?”