Chapter 108

“No. Of course not. Come on, Cal.” I stood up too. “Sit down. I didn’t mean anything by it.”

“Yeah. Right.” Cal sat. He wouldn’t look at me. “Without people building shit, your ass would be outside right now.”


“Whatever. Speaking of school, didn’t you graduate a couple weeks ago?”

“We didn’t make a big deal out of it since I’m not done. I start toward my master’s right after Rio. I finished step one—like graduating from kindergarten. We got a pizza.”

“A pizza? I bet they got one and you got three. Man, I wish I could eat like you.”

“If I ever stop swimming, I’ll be morbidly obese in a month.”

“Hey, I got post-graduate studies in my future too, but you can bet your fine black or white ass I’ll be making a big deal out of my graduation next winter anyway.”

“And I’ll be right there making a big deal of it too.”