Holy fuck! Oh. Sorry, Mrs. Smeckler.The most recent post was from her. She wrote how she’d been keeping up with things online. There was one from Caryn, and also Beth and Julius, who’d stayed back in New York with the kids. Devon and Cal did a great job monitoring the site. I rarely saw any negative posts. Of course I got some. I knew I got some, but Cal usually deleted them before I could see. There was one that day—a fresh thread only minutes old. It started off tearing into someone other than me.
I hope you beat that faggot, Mathi-ass-fucking Webber.
Clever troll. The post had three dozen comments below it.
Shut up you bigot!
They probably all fuck each other that way.
They could all fuck me.
It went on that way for a while but took a serious turn by the last one.
I wish Reed Watson was gay. He’s hot.
That wasn’t the poignant one, but the one that followed tugged at my heart.