“The ad will run online, in its new incarnation,” Carl Bruno said. “And we would still be honored to sponsor you for the 2020 team, and provide the tuition for your brother to go to the school of his choice.”
“That last part’s up to my dad,” I told him, and that was who I was leaving it up to. Somewhere along the line I realized something. The fact I hadn’t participated in everything I’d wanted to in junior high and high school may have been a blessing. If I had, I might never have fallen in love with swimming. Perhaps Devon’s best education would happen outside of school. There was no reason I couldn’t apply what I was learning as a teacher to helping him out along the way. Sometimes the “best” isn’t always best for everyone. Time would tell.
“As for the next Olympics, I think I better get past this one first, and then see how I feel.”
“Fair enough.” Bruno was friendly, and also sincere. “Please let us know, and the best of luck.” 22