+IBw-My sister had too much to drink last night and I called her a car to take her back to her hotel for the night. She+IBk-s returning to England tomorrow. We have identification if you need us to prove it.+IB0-
+IBw-No,+IB0- the detective said pleasantly. +IBw-That+IBk-s quite all right. Sorry to bother you, Mr. Ralston. Have a good night.+IB0-
Callahan gestured to Harry and Kel to leave the yard.
Harry did, but not before Luke lobbied a parting shot, +IBw-I don+IBk-t know what I ever saw in you.+IB0-
At the moment, Harry agreed with him. And guessed probably Kel and everybody else agreed, too.
+IBw-Um, I+IBk-m really sorry, Detective.+IB0-
To his surprise, Callahan waved that away. +IBw-Don+IBk-t worry about it. People make mistakes all the time. After some of the cases we+IBk-ve had lately, this is something I can handle. I+IBk-m just glad it turned out false.+IB0- He grinned. +IBw-Not that I ever thought your neighbor was a vampire.+IB0-