
Chapter 11

Ian felt a flash of guilt. “Sorry about that. I fell asleep and…”

“You’re here now.” They arrived in the kitchen where Brad had set a beautiful table. “If you want to sit over there…”

Ian sat and admired the setting. The small bouquet of flowers, the candle and cloth napkins in silver rings. The silver salt and pepper shakers. The expensive-looking plates.

“How’s the wine?”

Ian took a sip and nodded. “Very nice.”

Only then did it strike him that he hadn’t brought any himself. Another thing to feel bad about.

Brad brought over a small tray of antipasto. “There you go. It’s basically a sampling plate because I want you to have room for the main event.” He sat and raised his glass. “To a wonderful evening.”

“To a wonderful evening.” Ian looked over the tray. “It all looks very nice.”

He picked up an olive and a slice of salami. The second he had taken a bite, Brad asked him a question. “So tell me, Ian, what do you do for a living?”