
Chapter 13

They climaxed together, Brad collapsing onto Ian’s belly, slick with his cum.

For a moment, they kissed, then Brad slid off. “Roll onto your side.”

Ian did as he’d been asked, and soon felt Brad’s warm body snuggle in behind him.

“That was nice,” said Brad, kissing the back of Ian’s neck. “Do you think you might want to do it again?”

Ian laughed. “Not right now. But soon.” 5

The morning light poured in through a gap in the curtains. Brad was on the opposite side of the bed from Ian, his arm hanging over the edge of the mattress. Ian lay there feeling like a fraud. Wondering when Brad was finally going to realise that he could do so much better. It was an awkward place to be, wanting so much to free-fall into love but knowing that if he did, there was every chance the inevitable rejection was going to hurt like nothing else had hurt him before.

Perhaps it would be better if he just ended it right…

“Good morning,” said Brad, turning to face him.

“Good morning.”