It was strange how it had taken just one person in his thirty years of being on the planet to point out these things.
Brad’s voice soothed him more than the words had. He could feel himself getting sleepy. The effects of a long day and of at least two bottles of wine were beginning to take their toll. He could sense the long arms of sleep pulling him into an embrace. 6
The following day, he awoke in Brad’s bed, not sure how he’d ended up there. He’d no sooner opened his eyes than Brad came padding into the room.
“Morning. How’d you sleep?” Brad leapt onto the bed landing inches from him.
“Wow. I think I passed out.”
Brad nodded. “And you were snoring for Australia.”
Ian blushed. “I do notsnore.”
“You don’t snore? My God, you nearly inhaled the pillow.”
Ian slapped him playfully on the thigh.
“And the duvet. The lamp on the bedside table.” Brad could hardly keep himself from laughing. “The bedside table!”